Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A guilty pleasure

This past week I have come to enjoy a lil afternoon delight ... a short snooze in the hammock. Laying in the shade, being ever so slightly rocked, listening to the sounds of the outdoors just lulls you to relaxation. Aghhhhh ...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why do things come in three's?

Have you ever noticed how things often come in groups of three? It seems like an old cliche' but I can see why people subscribe to this philosophy. Once again the three's struck me.

Yesterday I went to the periodontist to find out when I can get my implant done. They have digital x-rays that really show you all the things you probably wish it didnt but are glad it does. As he is looking over my teeth he informs me that, the tooth next to the one I just broke and had to lose last month, also has a short life in my mouth. Seems when I got the root canal done it poked thru the root of the tooth and is causing "problems". And did I want to do both of them at once. I am like, not only no, but hell no! I am still adjusting to losing the other one. I vote for waiting. So ... he looks a little more at my x-ray and says tell me about your front left tooth. So I said, it has had a lot of work and has worried me on how long I could keep it. He said it is problematic and we need another xray at another angle.

So he comes back in and says, here is the plan, tooth one now, tooth two before too much time and before it can cause more damage, tooth three we can keep an eye on. So there you have it, groups of three strike again.

As if that isnt discouraging enough. The cost for one is close to $3000 or $1000 x 3!

Thank goodness things only come in three's, that was enough for one day!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Get the facts Jack

Last night while cooking a late dinner, the phone rang. It was our niece, Larraine. She wanted to know where a good place to get pizza would be near South Virginia and Longley.

WHAT?!?!? They weren't supposed to be in town until NEXT Tuesday. At least thats what Philip told me after asking him about 10 times when they would be here.

Floors got vacuumed, sheets got changed, dishes got done along with some straightening got done in record time. There were almost no groceries in the house.

As it turns out, they were breezin in and out, literally. They got in at about 9:30pm and left this morning at about 8:30am to deliver their anxious son Brandon to the dorms at UNR. If they were staying we didnt even have enough milk for cereal for a family of 5 and less bread.

Sooo, next time I better call to verify the information myself so I can have some food and a clean house.

We did have a nice but short visit with family we havent seen in a very long time.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Salt pork

When was the last time you ate some salt pork? I want to say, its been years at our house. I saw some at Raleys last week and I remembered how much Philip loves it so I threw some in the cart. Tonight I cooked a breakfast dinner, his favorite heart attack on a plate! Hash browns, scrambled eggs and salt pork. There is a really good reason it is named "salt pork." The pieces are about half the size of regular bacon with about 1000 times the salt in case you've never had it. Nibbling it with a bite of the other items or taking a swig of grape juice I managed to counter act the intense salty taste. Three pieces put my taste buds into salt shock. I have no idea how many Philip ate but my tummy cringes thinkin about it! Pretty sure he ate enough to undo the effects of his medications for about a month! Needless to say, I wont be cooking salt pork again any too soon, lest I be accused of sending him to the grave prematurely!

Where to begin?

I reiterate, "where to begin?" haha