Philip and I flew to Las Vegas for Holdens blessing. Holden all spiffy in his suit and little man shoes! I think he looks like Humpty Dumpty in this picture ... a very cute Humpty! He looks like he is wondering why he is in this stuffy outfit!
Big brother Toby is just hanging out waiting for the event to begin.
Great Grandpa Odom held Holden for such a long time we finally had to ask him to let someone else have a turn. :)
The whole happy Tiner family!
After the blessing, which was at Ross's house on Saturday, we all changed clothes and went on an outing to Bonnie Springs Ranch.
The BFF's on the merry go round. Who looks like they are having more fun? Cranpa or Toby?
Toby looking through the fence to see what's on the other side ... I dont think you ever get too old to want to know that!
Grandpa Odom looking pretty darn good!
Everyone watching intensely waiting for the hanging.
Some donkey riding ...
Checking out the petting zoo and animals ...
Waiting for the train ... which long story short, only Darin and Toby rode.
A fun time at the base of the gorgeous Red Rock Canyon.
I found Toby playing in Cranpa's suitcase. I think Cranpa would love to have packed him up when it was time to go!
Back home ...
Whitney came for a few days and we had some activity with the Reilly family ...
Thursday, we went to Aidan's first wrestling meet. Aidan did pretty darn good, I think he won 2 of the 3 matches that day. He is such a good wrestler that Grammie could only capture him as a blur! (good excuse for a bad picture!)
Friday night we finally opened up the Wii fit and Whit insisted on taking pictures of my uncoordinated hula hooping! Its been years since my hips had to move like that! But it alllllll came back to me! Whit did it too but Janice was a weenie and only watched!
Saturday night we had the Reilly's for dinner and fun. The twinks decided to have candle light dinner.
Brogie was the bomb at Hula Hoop! He's got rhythm! And Connor was determined.
Hilary made us giggle!
And Whit had to show us all up with her smooth moving hips and athletic ability!
We all had a lot of laughs while trying our skills at ski jumping, slalom racing, running, etc, etc. We all decided that Wii fit kicks your butt! It really gets your heart pumping.
A few days before the official beginning of Spring, my hyacinths and daffodils were in bloom. I love walking to the front door and seeing and smelling the lovely fragrance of the hyacinths. I love my flowers blooming so much I sometimes just have to go gaze at them!
love the photos! i'm feeling an itch to have a visit myself.
I am so glad Holden doesn't look like humpty dumpty any more.
I am jealous of your garden...
Wish I could have been with you all in Las Vegas, but I am sure glad that, in true Becky fashion, you took all of those photos. I especially love the one of Toby looking through the fence and Toby and Cranpa playing on the merry-go-round!
Everytime I think of Wii Fit I will think of that night. I was laughing my booty off. Hope you are still doing it. Hula-hooping doesn't require you to use your elbow!
I am jealous of your garden too!
i laugh about humpty dumpty every time i look at it.
Way to go on the hula hooping! I love the Wii fit but feel very uncoordinated on it as well.
Holden has the cutest little face!
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